-Who in the SUNBEAM world works close to me in San Jose can help me
solve the following?
-I have a race program from Candlestick Park from '65-'66 that
features all kinds of photos and original TIGER (& COBRA) advertising
from the various dealers that sponsored the race.
-So far, I have been unable to locate additional copies, as I have not
met for a second time the seller at any antique shows.
-What I need is someone who has "scanning" capability on a PC either
at work or at home close by wherby I can bring over the copy I have to
-I would like to then send this "scanned" copy by e-mail to STOA, CAT,
TE/AE & PTC so others may enjoy it.
-Sorry, I have a phobia because of lost & irreplaceable documents
loaned out in the past. Maybe someone who has the capability of
scanning photos onto the TIGER website can help me out.
Phil LeBrun