-For 99.9% of you out there, this is very basic and redundant stuff.
-Yesterday I spent about an hour putting points, (dual) cap, rotor,
etc. in our TIGER.
-We're always concerned with grounds in our circuits, the distributor
is no different.
-When I pulled off the points, there was a TON of crud underneath them
and the condenser. I took a rag wet down with a small amount of B-12 &
cleaned out the gunk. B-12's great for this 'cause no oily residue
gets left & it evaporates fairly quick.
-I then took some #400 polishing cloth & 3M Scotch brite & shined up
the distributor base for a good ground. Also "spiffed" up the metal
tab that joins the 2 sets of points & the quick-disconnect connectors
on the dist. primary wire. Same with the cond. brkt.After this, wipe
down with B-12 again.
-Do you tune-up, oil the distributor bushing and voila!