REPLY FROM: Kempinski, Robert M.
>Abstract: In the interest of overall safety in the Tiger Marque, the
>following technical information related to suspension component failures is
>submitted. Permission is granted in advance to club editors to reproduce
>all, or excerpts from this document.
snippage to conserve bandwidth.
Bravo Tom, I'm an Mech. Eng. too and I really enjoyed your message. I'll be
printing it out to digest it more fully later.
As for the channel holding the fulcrum pin, if the pin sheared inside the
channel, what would the failure effect be? Could the driver get around with
this sheared until the broken piece of the pin backed out of the channel?
Too bad I recently rebuilt my front suspension. I visually inspected the pins
but no magnafluxing. I didn't like those notches cut into the pins. Now I
Again, thanks for sharing your opinion and work.
Rob Kempinski
Houston Texas
P.S. I get pissed off at people that sue at the drop of a hat too!