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Re[2]: Girling grease?

To: C5813@aol.com, David Woolf <Tigers@dwoolf.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Re[2]: Girling grease?
From: LeBrun@hii.hitachi.com
Date: Thu, 02 May 96 09:31:11 PST
     Petroleum base ANYTHING is detrimental to ANY natural rubber product.
     The heat will just speed up the process.
     If you're REAL CAREFUL & it's the old hose, you can use a big pair of
     channel locks and twist them off. Key words are REAL CAREFUL.
     Your old timer probably mentioned this so when the hose rotted out 
     later he'd have a "comeback" & another repair to do.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Girling grease?
Author:  David Woolf <Tigers@dwoolf.demon.co.uk> at ~INTERNET
Date:    5/2/96 8:17 AM

In message <960501124708_104337338@emout07.mail.aol.com>, C5813@AOL.COM 
>A recent tech tip suggests using "Girling Grease" prior to installing 
>radiator hoses. This is said to make the removal process easier later on. 
>Anybody ever try this? Is "Girling Grease" available anywhere, or does a 
>suitable substitute exist? I'd love to remove hoses without using a knife... 
>Paul Brownell
>Red '66 Mk1A
A old time garage mechanic told me his tip was to use Petroleum Jelly.
Regards,          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dave Woolf                                   ("'\-/'").___..--''"-._        
               SUNBEAM ALPINE '260'           ( 0_ 0 )   -.  (     ).-.__.)     
                                               (_Y_.)'  ._   )  ._ .  -..-'     
             Tigers@dwoolf.demon.co.uk        _..-'_..-/  /--' _.' ,'           
                                             (().-''  (().'  ((!.-'  Billy   
    ( 0_ 0 )   -.  (     ).-.__.)       
     (_Y_.)'  ._   )  ._ . -..-'       
   _..--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'            
  (().-''  (().'  ((!.-'   Reggie

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