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Re: rules rant no replies

To: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>,
Subject: Re: rules rant no replies
From: Tony Drews <>
Date: Sun, 01 Jul 2007 10:57:03 -0500
OK, I've got to wade in here.  I have an "illegal" car.  It came that 
way and will be pretty expensive to make period correct.  In my case, 
I don't believe that the modifications make the car faster, in fact 
the most egregious change probably makes the car slower by adding 150 
lbs to the car weight.

In order to being the car into compliance, I would need to take a 
year or two off of racing and spend the money I would have spent on 
the racing season on replacing parts instead.  Who knows how much 
longer Jack and I can continue the father / son racing thing, so 
dropping a season or two is a really big deal for us.  Plus, VSCDA 
loses my entry fees for the period of time that I have to drop 
out.  That seems like a lose / lose proposition.

What I had asked VSCDA and Carl for was some way to continue racing 
with them in a "cheatin' dog" class (I don't think Carl likes it when 
I call it that :)  ) where they don't score my car in with the other 
legal group 2B cars.  Carl found a way through some 1960's class 
arrangement to allow this.  I personally was (and continue to be) 
very happy with this arrangement.  In SVRA, they bumped me up from DP 
to CP.  That seemed fair enough.

I like your idea of some sort of financial or other incentive to be 
era correct, as long as the cheatin' dog penalty isn't going to kill 
me.  I am NOT in favor of a rule that would prohibit me from running 
until I bring the car into compliance.  It's my club too.

- Tony Drews

At 08:47 AM 7/1/2007, Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:

>Let's be clear about this. I am opinionated, and not shy about expressing
>those opinions. There are folks that think I'm the anti-Christ, and others
>that think I'm right on. When it suits the club (according to certain
>opinions) my contributions or ideas are welcomed or incorporated. Other
>times, I'm treated as an aggravation at best. Other times, my opinions are
>clearly treated as a threat. No matter what you think,  this is my damn club
>as much as it is yours.
>If a driver shows up at a VSCDA race and passes tech identified as era
>correct, give them a $100 discount on the next VSCDA race. Then you've
>guaranteed continuing participation.  Or, if after racing era correct for 3
>races, their 4th race is free. Then, the following year, give era correct
>cars more track time. Give them an extra session or two over a weekend, or a
>feature race. Then there is "value" to someone that shows up era correct.
>Wm. Severin Thompson

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