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the Sixth of May

To: <>
Subject: the Sixth of May
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 07:57:02 -0500
Nancy captured this precise moment in time with a poem...


The band had just arrived at the farm. Audio Engineer Mike & Ed Sargent were
incredulous that the Boss had announced he'd attend our bbq party.
Apparently, it had been more than 2 years since he'd ventured out with the
band for an event like this while on the road. Everyone was abuzz as he
stepped out of the Suburban, cracked a few jokes, and looked around.

The lure of a shop full of English sportscars had the band headed that
direction first... but Maynard & Serafin soon scoped out a few of my vintage
trumpets. Cases were opened, and as Maynard inspected my '52 Olds Studio...



Wm. Severin Thompson <> 

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