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RE: to the board of directors

To: Rick Cook <>, Paul Fitzsimmons
Subject: RE: to the board of directors
From: "Kansa, Robert" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 14:29:26 -0500
WST, Thank you for voicing a number of worthwhile opinions.

I would like to reinforce and support the publishing of ALL policies and
procedures. There are many items that are unknown by many members or taken
for granted as "common sense".
Unfortunately, many of these policies that are Not common knowledge can
unintentionally be violated.  

As a resident of Ohio, I unfortunately have travel restrictions of not being
able to easily attend open forum or decision making meetings. 
Would there be any Merit to a possible voting situation on important issues
and events?
I fully realize that this may add unneeded hassles to an already overloaded
But it might possibly make the members feel more empowered and contented
over what is there own Club. 
If anything, could there be a clear letter of upcoming issues so concerned
members are able to voice opinions, perhaps to group representatives, before
they officially come to the table. While i read and enjoy our newsletter It
sometimes does not seem to address such issues clearly.  

To reinforce the issue of events, Yes I also believe the enduro's are very
I too would Like to see a possible event at Mid Ohio.

Events Like Grattan are very popular because they have the potential to
involve the whole family, and the various activities presents something for
everyone during the weekend.
Has anyone looked into a possible event at the new BeaveRun motorsports
complex in PA?

I believe Marque focused events are also worthwhile, they attract
participants that might normally be inactive.

While advertised or spectator type events may take extra time and paperwork,
everyone seems to enjoy sharing the sport with non-racing spectators, and
this often helps promote and support our great sport.

Thank you for all the hard work. 
Southwind Racing
Robert Kansa

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