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Re: what's in a name and the "guy code"

Subject: Re: what's in a name and the "guy code"
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 16:11:38 EDT
In a message dated 7/11/01 3:01:44 PM, 

<< Be it hereby Resolved that, in order to preserve List regularity and other
valued freedoms enjoyed by all thereon, all further exchanges of TT-related
internet information between one William Severin Thompson and any current or
future candidate(s) for the position of the next "ex-Mrs. Thompson" shall be
limited to said individual's personal e-mail addresses, website addresses and
other such pertinent TT team information, asserted and unasserted, known and
unknown, suspected and unsuspected, which now exists, or has existed, that
shall in no way, as a result of the sharing of such information, yield any
result that would diminish the future free speech of TT-Listers world-wide,
as was enjoyed by all in the recent and memorable past. Any communication,
notice or demand of any kind that any party may desire to give or serve upon
the supporters of this Resolution, regarding the enforcement of same, shall
be in writing, addressed to all list members at>>

    I have no desire or inclination to embarass anyone's guest, date, wife or 
companion.  Comments made on any public e-mail list should always take into 
account the possibility that anyone in the world might read such comments.  
In that respect, I fully support the "guy code" (with the caveat that the 
word 'guy' should not imply that the code applies only to "guys").
    The part I don't understand is why the resolution should be specific to 
WST.  Everyone deserves equal consideration on this issue.

    Doug "The slug" Meis (Team Escargot)

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