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A Shameless Self Promotion Proposal-FOT

Subject: A Shameless Self Promotion Proposal-FOT
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 23:36:36 EDT

Steve's reference to the late Mr. Duhamel reminds me of something I have 
wanted to propose.

We did an ad in the Burt Levy book, "Motezuma's Ferrari". I think most of us 
are proud of this ad and it features a memorial to Mike Belfer.... a nice 

There has been some discussion with Burt again....

I am personally not interested in doing an ad in his interim book, which is a 
collection of his past articles and some new ones...Potside Companion, he 
calls it. 

I AM interested in the third of a series of the Buddy Palumbo saga, which is 
due out next October or so.

The proposal:

Ad would nominally feature black and white 1/2 page:

Ad would feature FOT Logo plus the FOT Member Names and Their Car/Car #  that 
make a contribution to the ad. 

ie: Jack Drews---TR4 #59

Entries would be done in alphabetical order....  :-)

ALSO, the ad would include all those who have passed away in recent history. 
The folks that would be included are people who were a member of the FOT or 
would have been part of the FOT spirit and may have passed at about the time 
FOT was launched. 

A chance to recognize our FRIENDS who are no longer racing with us.

I figure if we have 100 contributors at $12.50 each we  can do black and  
white 1/2 page. If we have 100 contributors at $20.00 each we can do color ad.

This is assuming that Burt's price structure does not change....

Another show of support on this is needed.....I will coordinate, unless I can 
get a volunteer...Fat Chance, eh?

(I am copying Team Thicko on this as they are the authors of Shameless Self 
Promotion and some of us are "adjunct" members of their insanities)


Joe Alexander

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