I can certainly understand and relate to the confusion you are feeling
lately. People who know me know the Thicko dinners have been the place were I
gathered my family with friends at the track. And I seem to add more and
more people to the "friends" list each event.
As a volunteer to VSCDA (Group 2 rep) I, along with the other Group reps and
Board volunteers, were given a list of volunteer activities needed for the
dinners and told to get help. Time is precious and, like most of you, I'm
struggling to get a race car and family together to attend this event, let
alone the time to twist arms I don't even feel comfortable asking. So I
passed on Judy's list to the Group 2 entrants and wow, people jumped up to
help. Quite a club we have here.
But in this case, I think the when VSCDA bagged the 'banquet' no one wanted
to go to, the BYO style BBQ that the generous hearts of Thicko make look
easy, seemed like a simple and cheaper solution. Not so simple when you have
to recruit volunteers. Being in the idea business (I invent toys) its quite
frustrating when your concept gets knocked off and shows up a little
Yes, the sanctioned dinner can have a diluting effect, but it sure didn't at
Blackhawk Vintage Classic this year. What happened? Many people scooped up
a plate at the "free dinner" and headed over to 'Club Thicko.'
One of the greatest aspects of Team thicko has been your steadfast attitude
of inclusion. Everyone was always welcome, no matter which Star Trek
convention they had just come from.
So, WST, stick to doing what you want. As I'm sure you will. And so will
the racers and families. Grattan is a great family event. I am so happy you
are able to attend even sans race car.
Hopefully there will be enough food and fun for everyone. Sorry for the long
Rick G
Doctor Dreadful
(As my friend Kurt often says, "even paranoids have real enemies")
Anyone have a spouse, friend or teenager that can come over and watch the
sweetest 3 year old boy (my son David - one of the famous Team Thicko Twins)
on Friday morning while I practice in Group 2? In the comfort of an air
conditioned motorhome? His Mom will be there by afternoon. Halp. Thanks.