Ok Ok... I am sorry. I love the guys' movies, but I have seen him "dis" so
many people at Road America. My personal experience? When I was President
of the Healey Club here in Wisc. I tried to talk to him, and get an article
signed by him, for a raffle item in one of our fundraisers. He told me flat
out.."I dont do that" and retreated to his motorhome. I guess I was being an
annoying pest. Maybe so, but it sure tainted my perception of the man. Got
Carl Haas's signature though. Close, but no cigar. (Pun intended)
Heading for the Northwoods away from Puters for the weekend.
PS-WST, give me the month of January. If I screw up again, I'll take
February. Deal?
At 06:32 AM 1/30/98 -0600, Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>Yeah Gary... whassup wit dat?
>Now I understand you're pissed because I won't participate in the "Homo
>Club Snowmobile Weekend"... but dissing old Paul won't make things better.
>I, the Flounder. to hereby declare you "Asshole of the Month".
>Your choice... you can hold this prestigious honor for what's left of
>January... or for the entire month of February. Your choice... but since
>this is the inaugural... I'd go for Feb.
>(Gary gets a little surly in the winter...)