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This should go to Doug Bruce
Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>
From: stanbmason@aol.com <stanbmason@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 12:10:14 PM
To: saeppli@aol.com; jeff.bakker@yahoo.com; ron.bartell@comcast.net; jbtruc=
k@dwave.net; SteveBest3131@gmail.com; christopher.beukema@gmail.com; Steve.=
Bisson@Yahoo.com; dbrown07@aol.com; Bugeye@aol.com; ashleyburress27@gmail.c=
om; W1979MGB@comcast.net; spridget@comcast.net; c3claymate@yahoo.com; chia2=
19@comcast.net; tcspeedwell@gmail.com; tlcnam@aol.com; colin@colinsclassica=
uto.com; cana.comer@gmail.com; terry@toyshop-resto.com; cseifert@tombrownin=
c.com; tom.daly@westsidevw.com; deikis@gmail.com; Spridget@aol.com; mowogbi=
ll@yahoo.com; dstreed@idtenergy.com; dsweet3193@aol.com; mgvadick@aol.com; =
dynamic881961@yahoo.com; k_hund59@yahoo.com; fishnet@essex1.com; refisk@cha=
rtermi.net; edwforrest@gmail.com; walt@freckmannart.com; BoseoGau@Gmail.com=
; hcgracing@aol.com; Viggen@bellsouth.net; ATTLASTT@Frontier.net; Jeff@Beac=
book.com; buckleyproperties@gmail.com; Charles Hall III; THershey@Frontiern=
et.net; RacingRed69Midget@Rogers.com; kekjacobsen@yahoo.com; buks62500@yaho=
o.com; jeff@mozer.com; cjracr@hotmail.com; nadadawgracing@yahoo.com; rkansa=
@foundations.com; donsgarage@charter.net; kirkkos@yahoo.com; happykozfam@co=
mcast.net; debo@ligtel.com; jlutz3338@yahoo.com; ellie@stagecraftplayers.co=
m; RonSorensenBugEye@aol.com; mccormackr@hss.edu; SLUGTHEMTRHD@SUDDENLINK.N=
ET; tim@mcginleyinc.com; ccstickleback@yahoo.com; ted@hoyes.com; Jim68Midge=
t@aol.com; Andrew.more.fsae@gmail.com; tmoran@moranconstruction.com; allmed=
sys@bwig.net; gary.perser@gmail.com; ptgbhtl@aol.com; SARL45@hotmail.com; D=
ick@MGCARCLUB.COM; SalisJE@comcast.net; Spridget72@Yahoo.com; scthsc47@gmai=
l.com; Clancy@Sunflower.com; kered_2004@yahoo.com; shaunfletcher@rocketmail=
.com; skip.meyer@ymail.com; DaveSmith17015@Comcast.net; LARSMG@AOL.COM; Bug=
eyeRaceVSCDA@aol.com; ronjokk@aol.com; maxspeedwell773@gmail.com; spridgete=
ch@ameritech.net; steve@skunkriverresto.com; stine.jason@gmail.com; spridge=
ts@autox.team.net; SpriteThicko@aol.com; bravenrace@yahoo.com; bugeyedave@a=
ol.com; wc@spridget.com; dwoerpel@wi.net; ezanner@gmail.com
Subject: 1972 SCCA PCS for Spridgets
Vintage Spridget Race Peoples,
One of the items I have wanted to address ever since the Sprite Midget Race=
Series was started 8 years ago was an understanding of what regulations we=
were under within VSCDA Group 2 and also understand other organizations re=
gulations as it relates to our favorite race car. Part of that goal was to=
get a copy of 1972 SCCA Regulations that VSCDA's General Competition Rules=
Technical Requirements (revised 1/2018) states as their guideline. I have=
gleaned from VSCDA's General Competition Rules Technical Requirements (1-4=
) and have highlighted below. I would encourage everyone to be more famili=
ar with this document found on the VSCDA Website https://www.vscda.org/vscd=
a-general-competition-rules :
1 * Cars must be presented in a neat and finished condition. Cars shall be=
prepared according to relevant SCCA or FIA General Competition Rules (GCR=
=92s) in effect up to 5 years after the date of the car=92s manufacture, bu=
t no later than December 31, 1972, except for Groups 5 & 7. Modifications b=
eyond the era of a car=92s production, made for other than safety reasons, =
may result in reclassification of Group.
2 * Supplemental Rules and Regulations for =93Race Groups and Specific Cars=
=94: 1. Race Groups 2 and 8 (Supplemental Rules) VSCDA has two types of pre=
paration; PeriodsSCCAPreparation andModPreparation. Cars which are prepared=
to the more liberal rules of some VMC organizations are usually accommodat=
ed in one of the VSCDA Mod Classes VSCDA also has provisions which allows s=
ome cars to be prepared to =93other period regulations=94 as described in i=
tem 9 in this section. To determine the minimum race weight for cars in Gro=
ups 2 and 8 look up the spec. weight in the table =93GCR Car Specifications=
=94 on the VSCDA website. Multiply this weight by the percentage below. Per=
iod SCCA Preparation 95% MOD =96 1 90% MOD =96 2 85%
3 * (you may want to pull up the actual table since the following did not c=
opy and past into tables)
PeriodSCCAPreparation Race Group 2 (Classes A through E) Race Group 8 (Clas=
ses B1, B2, C and X) This table covers some important SCCA period requireme=
nts which VSCDA expressly focuses attention on. Cars are also expected to m=
eet all other SCCA period requirement unless expressly covered by exception=
s listed in this document in the VSCDA General Rules and Car Specific Excep=
tions Item 8. ITEM SCCASPORTSCARS SCCASEDANS(B,C,D) Source of Regulation SC=
CA 1967 General Competition Rules Appendix A/Article 1. Production Category=
Sports Cars (w/PCS sheets) And after review, 1972 and prior cars homologat=
ed to similar regulations published by FIA and some other sanctioning bodie=
s SCCA 1967 General Competition Rules Appendix A/Article 5 SCCA Sedans (w/R=
ecognition Forms) And after review, 1972 and prior cars homologated to simi=
lar regulations published by FIA and some other sanctioning bodies MINIMUM =
WEIGHT Weight on PCS, minus 5% tolerance Weight on Recognition Form, minus =
5% tolerance DISPLACEMENT Maximum overbore 0.060=94, standard stroke Maximu=
m overbore 0.060=94, standard stroke SUSPENSION Must be production rear axl=
e assembly, suspension members and mounting points. Shock absorbers must be=
production type (i.e. lever, telescopic), original number and attachment p=
oints. Remote reservoir shocks are not permitted. Coil over springs are not=
allowed unless originally used in production. Anti-sway bars, torque arms,=
panhard rods and other similar axle locating devices free. Must be product=
ion rear axle assembly, suspension members and mounting points. Shock absor=
bers must be production type (i.e. lever, telescopic), original number and =
attachment points. Remote reservoir shocks are not permitted. Coil over spr=
ings are not allowed unless originally used in production. Anti-sway bars, =
torque arms, panhard rods and other similar axle locating devices free. BRA=
KES Original production brakes must be used at the wheel locations. Dual ma=
ster and servo systems may be added. Friction material and Alfin type brake=
drums are free. Original production brakes must be used at the wheel locat=
ions. Dual master and servo systems may be added. Friction material and Alf=
in type brake drums are free. INDUCTION SYSTEM The carburetors and manifold=
must be those originally supplied by the manufacturer, including the make,=
model, and throat diameter. The jets, needles, seats and chokes may be cha=
nged. Note: Other carburetors may be allowed in this Production Classes whe=
n period Homologation papers for the make/model/year are presented at Tech.=
Fuel injection throttle bodies and nozzles must be the same as originally =
supplied by the manufacturer. The make and model of the fuel metering and/o=
r fuel distribution unit must remain the same. The intake manifold cannot b=
e modified. The carburetors and manifold must be those originally supplied =
by the manufacturer, including the make, model, and throat diameter. The je=
ts, needles, seats and chokes may be changed. Note: Other carburetors may b=
e allowed in this Production Classes when period Homologation papers for th=
e make/model/year are presented at Tech. Fuel injection throttle bodies and=
nozzles must be the same as originally supplied by the manufacturer. The m=
ake and model of the fuel metering and/or fuel distribution unit must remai=
n the same. The intake manifold cannot be modified. OTHER All other items o=
f car preparation must meet the regular rules of VSCDA Car Preparation and =
period GCR. All other items of car preparation must meet the regular rules =
of VSCDA Car Preparation and period GCR. When these Rules differ in some wa=
y from period Regulations, the VSCDA Rules shall prevail. Cars prepared to =
this specification can qualify for the Era (EC) Medallion by faithfully mee=
ting all VSCDA rules.
4 * (you may want to pull up the actual table since the following did not =
copy and past into tables)
MODPreparation Race Group 2 (Classes MOD-1 and MOD-2) Race Group 8 (Classes=
MOD-1 and MOD-2) This table covers Mod-1 and Mod-2 exceptions to Period SC=
CA Preparation. Allotherpreparationitemsarethe sameastheSCCAPeriodPreparati=
on. ITEM RACEGROUPS2&8 MOD-1 RACEGROUPS2&8 MOD-2 Source of Regulation SCCA =
1965 General Competition Rules FIA Appendix J. 274. Group 3, (b) SCCA 1965 =
General Competition Rules FIA Appendix J. 275. Group 4, (a) (b) MINIMUM WEI=
GHT Weight on PCS or Recognition form minus 10% Weight on PCS or Recognitio=
n form minus 15% DISPLACEMENT Maximum overbore 0.060=94, standard stroke Ma=
ximum overbore 0.060=94, standard stroke SUSPENSION Must be production rear=
axle assembly, suspension members and mounting points. Rear lever type sho=
cks may be changed to telescopic but the number of shocks may not change an=
d remote reservoir shocks are not allowed. Coil over springs are not allowe=
d unless originally used in production. Anti-sway bars, torque arms, panhar=
d rods and other similar axle locating devices free. Rear axle assembly may=
be changed to another component of a similar type which was in production =
prior to 1973. Front/rear lever type shocks may be changed to telescopic bu=
t the number of shocks may not change and remote reservoir shocks are not a=
llowed. Coil over springs are not allowed unless originally used in product=
ion. Anti-sway bars, torque arms, panhard rods and other similar axle locat=
ing devices free. BRAKES Brakes are free when mounted in the standard locat=
ion and composed of components available before 1973. Disc brakes may repla=
ce drum brakes. Rotors that are drilled, slotted or ventilated are not allo=
wed unless originally used in production. Aluminum calipers may not replace=
iron calipers unless the caliper was available before 1973. Brakes are fre=
e when mounted in the standard location and composed of components availabl=
e before 1973. Disc brakes may replace drum brakes. Rotors that are drilled=
, slotted or ventilated are not allowed unless originally used in productio=
n. Aluminum calipers may not replace iron calipers unless the caliper was a=
vailable before 1973. INDUCTION SYSTEM Original carburetors may be replaced=
as long as the same number of throats are maintained (example two SU=92s r=
eplaced with two larger SU=92s or a Weber). Fuel injection throttle bodies =
must be the same type, same location and same duct dimensions. The number a=
nd location of the injection nozzles must be the same. The make and model o=
f the fuel metering and/or fuel distribution unit must remain the same. Mat=
erial cannot be added to the intake manifold. Original carburetors may be r=
eplaced with different carburetors and more throats. (example two SU=92s re=
placed with two Webers) Fuel injection throttle body dimensions may be incr=
eased, but the type and location must be the same. The location of the inje=
ction nozzles, type of fuel metering and distribution must remain the same.=
Material cannot be added to the intake manifold extending into the head. O=
THER All other items of Mod =96 1 car preparation must meet the regular rul=
es of VSCDA car preparation, except for the differences described above. Al=
l other items of Mod =96 2 car preparation must meet the regular rules of V=
SCDA car preparation, except for the differences described above. When thes=
e Rules differ in some way from period regulations, the VSCDA Rules shall p=
revail. All MOD-1 and Mod-2 class cars shall carry visible MODdecals on bot=
h sides of the car when racing. One set of decals will initially be provide=
d at VSCDA Tech. Subsequent decals will not normally be free of charge.
Attached is the 1972 SCCA Production Car Specification as it relates to Spr=
idgets for Classifications and Specifications that I have recently copied f=
or your reference. I know there is lots of confusion about what is legal a=
nd what is not. This attachment is only to highlight what VSCDA has establ=
ished as it's baseline for our cars. I am hoping to also be able to copy 1=
972 SCCA GCR for further verification of our VSCDA Guidelines.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3DWindows-1=
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<div dir=3D"auto" style=3D"direction:ltr; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:=
sans-serif; font-size:11pt; color:black">
This should go to Doug Bruce<br>
<div dir=3D"auto" style=3D"direction:ltr; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:=
sans-serif; font-size:11pt; color:black">
<div dir=3D"auto" style=3D"direction:ltr; margin:0; padding:0; font-family:=
sans-serif; font-size:11pt; color:black">
Get <a href=3D"https://aka.ms/ghei36";>Outlook for Android</a></div>
<hr tabindex=3D"-1" style=3D"display:inline-block; width:98%">
<div id=3D"divRplyFwdMsg" dir=3D"ltr"><font face=3D"Calibri, sans-serif" co=
lor=3D"#000000" style=3D"font-size:11pt"><b>From:</b> stanbmason@aol.com &l=
<b>Sent:</b> Wednesday, February 6, 2019 12:10:14 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> saeppli@aol.com; jeff.bakker@yahoo.com; ron.bartell@comcast.net;=
jbtruck@dwave.net; SteveBest3131@gmail.com; christopher.beukema@gmail.com;=
Steve.Bisson@Yahoo.com; dbrown07@aol.com; Bugeye@aol.com; ashleyburress27@=
gmail.com; W1979MGB@comcast.net;
spridget@comcast.net; c3claymate@yahoo.com; chia219@comcast.net; tcspeedwe=
ll@gmail.com; tlcnam@aol.com; colin@colinsclassicauto.com; cana.comer@gmail=
.com; terry@toyshop-resto.com; cseifert@tombrowninc.com; tom.daly@westsidev=
w.com; deikis@gmail.com; Spridget@aol.com;
mowogbill@yahoo.com; dstreed@idtenergy.com; dsweet3193@aol.com; mgvadick@a=
ol.com; dynamic881961@yahoo.com; k_hund59@yahoo.com; fishnet@essex1.com; re=
fisk@chartermi.net; edwforrest@gmail.com; walt@freckmannart.com; BoseoGau@G=
mail.com; hcgracing@aol.com; Viggen@bellsouth.net;
ATTLASTT@Frontier.net; Jeff@Beacbook.com; buckleyproperties@gmail.com; Cha=
rles Hall III; THershey@Frontiernet.net; RacingRed69Midget@Rogers.com; kekj=
acobsen@yahoo.com; buks62500@yahoo.com; jeff@mozer.com; cjracr@hotmail.com;=
nadadawgracing@yahoo.com; rkansa@foundations.com;
donsgarage@charter.net; kirkkos@yahoo.com; happykozfam@comcast.net; debo@l=
igtel.com; jlutz3338@yahoo.com; ellie@stagecraftplayers.com; RonSorensenBug=
Eye@aol.com; mccormackr@hss.edu; SLUGTHEMTRHD@SUDDENLINK.NET; tim@mcginleyi=
nc.com; ccstickleback@yahoo.com;
ted@hoyes.com; Jim68Midget@aol.com; Andrew.more.fsae@gmail.com; tmoran@mor=
anconstruction.com; allmedsys@bwig.net; gary.perser@gmail.com; ptgbhtl@aol.=
com; SARL45@hotmail.com; Dick@MGCARCLUB.COM; SalisJE@comcast.net; Spridget7=
2@Yahoo.com; scthsc47@gmail.com;
Clancy@Sunflower.com; kered_2004@yahoo.com; shaunfletcher@rocketmail.com; =
skip.meyer@ymail.com; DaveSmith17015@Comcast.net; LARSMG@AOL.COM; BugeyeRac=
eVSCDA@aol.com; ronjokk@aol.com; maxspeedwell773@gmail.com; spridgetech@ame=
ritech.net; steve@skunkriverresto.com;
stine.jason@gmail.com; spridgets@autox.team.net; SpriteThicko@aol.com; bra=
venrace@yahoo.com; bugeyedave@aol.com; wc@spridget.com; dwoerpel@wi.net; ez=
<b>Subject:</b> 1972 SCCA PCS for Spridgets</font>
<div> </div>
<div><font color=3D"black" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial">
<div style=3D"font-family:arial,helvetica; font-size:10pt; color:black">
<div id=3D"yiv5162687419"><font color=3D"black" size=3D"2" face=3D"arial">V=
intage Spridget Race Peoples,
<div>One of the items I have wanted to address ever since the Sprite Midget=
Race Series was started 8 years ago was an understanding of what regulatio=
ns we were under within VSCDA Group 2 and also understand other organizatio=
ns regulations as it relates to
our favorite race car. Part of that goal was to get a copy of 1972 S=
CCA Regulations that VSCDA's General Competition Rules Technical Requiremen=
ts (revised 1/2018) states as their guideline. I have gleaned from VS=
CDA's General Competition Rules Technical
Requirements (1-4) and have highlighted below. I would encourage eve=
ryone to be more familiar with this document found on the VSCDA Website htt=
ps://www.vscda.org/vscda-general-competition-rules :</div>
<div>1 * Cars must be presented in a neat and finished condition. Car=
s shall be prepared according to relevant SCCA or FIA General Competition R=
ules (GCR=92s) in effect up to 5 years after the date of the car=92s manufa=
cture, but no later than December 31, 1972,
except for Groups 5 & 7. Modifications beyond the era of a car=92s pro=
duction, made for other than safety reasons, may result in reclassification=
of Group. </div>
<div>2 * Supplemental Rules and Regulations for =93Race Groups and Spe=
cific Cars=94: 1. Race Groups 2 and 8 (Supplemental Rules) VSCDA has two ty=
pes of preparation; PeriodsSCCAPreparation andModPreparation. Cars which ar=
e prepared to the more liberal rules of some
VMC organizations are usually accommodated in one of the VSCDA Mod Classes=
VSCDA also has provisions which allows some cars to be prepared to =93othe=
r period regulations=94 as described in item 9 in this section. To determin=
e the minimum race weight for cars in
Groups 2 and 8 look up the spec. weight in the table =93GCR Car Specificat=
ions=94 on the VSCDA website. Multiply this weight by the percentage below.=
Period SCCA Preparation 95% MOD =96 1 90% MOD =96 2 85%</div>
<div>3 * (you may want to pull up the actual table since the following did =
not copy and past into tables)</div>
<div>PeriodSCCAPreparation Race Group 2 (Classes A through E) Race Group 8 =
(Classes B1, B2, C and X) This table covers some important SCCA period requ=
irements which VSCDA expressly focuses attention on. Cars are also expected=
to meet all other SCCA period requirement
unless expressly covered by exceptions listed in this document in the VSCD=
A General Rules and Car Specific Exceptions Item 8. ITEM SCCASPORTSCARS SCC=
ASEDANS(B,C,D) Source of Regulation SCCA 1967 General Competition Rules App=
endix A/Article 1. Production Category
Sports Cars (w/PCS sheets) And after review, 1972 and prior cars homologat=
ed to similar regulations published by FIA and some other sanctioning bodie=
s SCCA 1967 General Competition Rules Appendix A/Article 5 SCCA Sedans (w/R=
ecognition Forms) And after review,
1972 and prior cars homologated to similar regulations published by FIA an=
d some other sanctioning bodies MINIMUM WEIGHT Weight on PCS, minus 5% tole=
rance Weight on Recognition Form, minus 5% tolerance DISPLACEMENT Maximum o=
verbore 0.060=94, standard stroke
Maximum overbore 0.060=94, standard stroke SUSPENSION Must be production r=
ear axle assembly, suspension members and mounting points. Shock absorbers =
must be production type (i.e. lever, telescopic), original number and attac=
hment points. Remote reservoir shocks
are not permitted. Coil over springs are not allowed unless originally use=
d in production. Anti-sway bars, torque arms, panhard rods and other simila=
r axle locating devices free. Must be production rear axle assembly, suspen=
sion members and mounting points.
Shock absorbers must be production type (i.e. lever, telescopic), original=
number and attachment points. Remote reservoir shocks are not permitted. C=
oil over springs are not allowed unless originally used in production. Anti=
-sway bars, torque arms, panhard
rods and other similar axle locating devices free. BRAKES Original product=
ion brakes must be used at the wheel locations. Dual master and servo syste=
ms may be added. Friction material and Alfin type brake drums are free. Ori=
ginal production brakes must be
used at the wheel locations. Dual master and servo systems may be added. F=
riction material and Alfin type brake drums are free. INDUCTION SYSTEM The =
carburetors and manifold must be those originally supplied by the manufactu=
rer, including the make, model,
and throat diameter. The jets, needles, seats and chokes may be changed. N=
ote: Other carburetors may be allowed in this Production Classes when perio=
d Homologation papers for the make/model/year are presented at Tech. Fuel i=
njection throttle bodies and nozzles
must be the same as originally supplied by the manufacturer. The make and =
model of the fuel metering and/or fuel distribution unit must remain the sa=
me. The intake manifold cannot be modified. The carburetors and manifold mu=
st be those originally supplied
by the manufacturer, including the make, model, and throat diameter. The j=
ets, needles, seats and chokes may be changed. Note: Other carburetors may =
be allowed in this Production Classes when period Homologation papers for t=
he make/model/year are presented
at Tech. Fuel injection throttle bodies and nozzles must be the same as or=
iginally supplied by the manufacturer. The make and model of the fuel meter=
ing and/or fuel distribution unit must remain the same. The intake manifold=
cannot be modified. OTHER All other
items of car preparation must meet the regular rules of VSCDA Car Preparat=
ion and period GCR. All other items of car preparation must meet the regula=
r rules of VSCDA Car Preparation and period GCR. When these Rules differ in=
some way from period Regulations,
the VSCDA Rules shall prevail. Cars prepared to this specification can qua=
lify for the Era (EC) Medallion by faithfully meeting all VSCDA rules.</div=
<div>4 * <span style=3D"font-size:10pt"> </span><span style=3D"fo=
nt-size:10pt">(you may want to pull up the actual table since the following=
did not copy and past into tables)</span></div>
<div>MODPreparation Race Group 2 (Classes MOD-1 and MOD-2) Race Group 8 (Cl=
asses MOD-1 and MOD-2) This table covers Mod-1 and Mod-2 exceptions to Peri=
od SCCA Preparation. Allotherpreparationitemsarethe sameastheSCCAPeriodPrep=
RACEGROUPS2&8 MOD-2 Source of Regulation SCCA 1965 General Competition=
Rules FIA Appendix J. 274. Group 3, (b) SCCA 1965 General Competition Rule=
s FIA Appendix J. 275. Group 4, (a) (b) MINIMUM WEIGHT Weight on PCS or Rec=
ognition form minus 10% Weight on PCS
or Recognition form minus 15% DISPLACEMENT Maximum overbore 0.060=94, stan=
dard stroke Maximum overbore 0.060=94, standard stroke SUSPENSION Must be p=
roduction rear axle assembly, suspension members and mounting points. Rear =
lever type shocks may be changed to
telescopic but the number of shocks may not change and remote reservoir sh=
ocks are not allowed. Coil over springs are not allowed unless originally u=
sed in production. Anti-sway bars, torque arms, panhard rods and other simi=
lar axle locating devices free.
Rear axle assembly may be changed to another component of a similar type w=
hich was in production prior to 1973. Front/rear lever type shocks may be c=
hanged to telescopic but the number of shocks may not change and remote res=
ervoir shocks are not allowed. Coil
over springs are not allowed unless originally used in production. Anti-sw=
ay bars, torque arms, panhard rods and other similar axle locating devices =
free. BRAKES Brakes are free when mounted in the standard location and comp=
osed of components available before
1973. Disc brakes may replace drum brakes. Rotors that are drilled, slotte=
d or ventilated are not allowed unless originally used in production. Alumi=
num calipers may not replace iron calipers unless the caliper was available=
before 1973. Brakes are free when
mounted in the standard location and composed of components available befo=
re 1973. Disc brakes may replace drum brakes. Rotors that are drilled, slot=
ted or ventilated are not allowed unless originally used in production. Alu=
minum calipers may not replace iron
calipers unless the caliper was available before 1973. INDUCTION SYSTEM Or=
iginal carburetors may be replaced as long as the same number of throats ar=
e maintained (example two SU=92s replaced with two larger SU=92s or a Weber=
). Fuel injection throttle bodies must
be the same type, same location and same duct dimensions. The number and l=
ocation of the injection nozzles must be the same. The make and model of th=
e fuel metering and/or fuel distribution unit must remain the same. Materia=
l cannot be added to the intake
manifold. Original carburetors may be replaced with different carburetors =
and more throats. (example two SU=92s replaced with two Webers) Fuel inject=
ion throttle body dimensions may be increased, but the type and location mu=
st be the same. The location of the
injection nozzles, type of fuel metering and distribution must remain the =
same. Material cannot be added to the intake manifold extending into the he=
ad. OTHER All other items of Mod =96 1 car preparation must meet the regula=
r rules of VSCDA car preparation,
except for the differences described above. All other items of Mod =96 2 c=
ar preparation must meet the regular rules of VSCDA car preparation, except=
for the differences described above. When these Rules differ in some way f=
rom period regulations, the VSCDA
Rules shall prevail. All MOD-1 and Mod-2 class cars shall carry visible MO=
Ddecals on both sides of the car when racing. One set of decals will initia=
lly be provided at VSCDA Tech. Subsequent decals will not normally be free =
of charge.</div>
<div>Attached is the 1972 SCCA Production Car Specification as it relates t=
o Spridgets for Classifications and Specifications that I have recently cop=
ied for your reference. I know there is lots of confusion about what =
is legal and what is not. This attachment
is only to highlight what VSCDA has established as it's baseline for our c=
ars. I am hoping to also be able to copy 1972 SCCA GCR for further ve=
rification of our VSCDA Guidelines.</div>
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Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/spridgets http://autox.team.net/archive