A few years back Karen and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary,
our Silver Anniversary as they call it.
And coming up in just a few days on April 11th is Team.Net's Silver
Anniversary. Yes, on April 11, 1991 the domain was registered and went
on the air. In truth, it existed before that in the form of two mailing
lists, british-cars and autox which were outgrowths of rec.autos Usenet
groups. Murky history there.
But Team.Net as we know it today has been around for a quarter of a
century. Of the 60 some lists on the server, most are inactive. I may
take some time this summer to clean up and remove any lists that have
not seen any posts for N months, the value of N to be determined. Some
lists, though, are still going strong, soldiering on from the days when
Team.Net lists and website were at the leading edge, the only game in
town. It was estimated that at the 1997 SCCA Solo II Nationals, their
Silver Anniversary, roughly 2/3 of the 1,000+ participants were on the
autox list. If you check out http://autox.team.net you will find many
pages last updated about 24.99 years ago, though, hardly leading edge
now. One of these days ...
Who could have foreseen how a simple stream of 1s and 0s could be such a
part of the lives of so many people, the catalyst for enduring
friendships, a formidable source of knowledge and inspiration? How many
cars are on the road these days instead of the scrap heap because of us
and our efforts over decades?
Happy Birthday to us. and carry on!
ps: I am sending this out a few days early because on Monday I will be
on the road somewhere between Phoenix and Salt Lake City. I'll look
into the multi-hour delay in posting when I return.
Archive: http://www.team.net/archive