The horn circuit is grounded through the steering column. Here is the short
version. 12V is supplied to the horn. The other side is connected to a
brass slip ring attached to the steering column cowl under the steering
wheel. The horn brush contacts this slip ring and passes though the wheel
boss (from which it is insulated) and presses against a contact pad on the
horn button. The horn button is a large push button switch with normally
open contacts. It has two connections, one is the slip ring through the horn
brush and the other is a sprung loaded connection to the wheel boss where it
picks up a ground. When you press the horn button, the circuit is completed
and the horn makes an anemic sound resembling a strangling frog.
Here is a link to a drawing of the ship ring.
It is item number 5 in the illustration.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Linda Grunthaner
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 3:34 PM
To: Spridget list
Subject: [Spridgets] Horn contact question, 62 Sprite "Pinky".
Question, can someone help me with a horn contact problem? I finally got
around to re-installing my Sprite stock steering wheel and also a horn
assembly I bought 4 years ago after not liking the 12" racing steering wheel
I installed 3 years ago. Yes time takes time. I understand the contact aka
horn brush with spring assembly goes into the hole on the steering wheel
then on to the small hole in the steering wheel boss but what makes the
contact? If it is to touch the metal on the dash behind the plastic boss I
don't see much metal to make contact. Should there be a metal washer or clip
attached to the metal section of frame? Can I add a metal washer so long as
it touches the metal dash? I see no wires, clips or anything back behind the
62 Sprite "Pinky"