I will Thanks.
Of course as I think about this, I just hit another engineering issue,
the Singer is RHD and mechanical clutch, not hydraulic. So I will have
to figure out how to get a master/slave into the car for the clutch.
On my other Singer I had to make a rather complicated mess of levers
and adapters to make the 1098 clutch work, but I didn't have to design
that, someone in the UK owners club did and it works well. The 5-speed
which takes the Datsun clutch I assume will need the hydraulics (which I
would prefer anyway if I can design it without butchering the Singer
This is beginning to look like a cool challenge and it will make the
car driveable.
On 06/03/2013 01:11 PM, Jim Johnson wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> RE: the 5 speed... Call or email Gerard Chateauvieux who is not too
> far from you. He does a 5 speed kits and can offer you sound advise.
> Cheers!!
> Jim
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