Guys and Gals - Remember at Elkhart Lake we had a talk by Jeff Schlemmer from
Advanced Distributors? Well, last fall when I put the Bugeye away for the
winter, I sent my stock Lucas DM2 PH4 to Jeff to rebuild. I just got the car
out of storage, installed the distributor, and started and drove the car.
WOW!! What a difference! I thought it was running well last fall when I put
it away, but I can't believe the difference! It started without choking, ran
with little hesitation when cold, the pick-up and performance at temperature
was improved substantially, the engine ran smoother, and it ran cooler! That
was the best $100 I ever spent! I would recommend that if you have any
concerns about the condition or performance of your distributor, send it to
Jeff. You will be amazed. Disclaimer: No financial interest, yada, yada,
yada... Doug Altman ....o~'o