Oh come on, Bill
As Rick will tell you , the 948 in my BE is a Dandy Engine, and if you couple
it with a good suspension, you can out autocross 1275s and (as I have) chase
Mustangs up the canyons with them. Yeah, a 5 speed would be great, but I enjoy
the H*** out fo my 948 every chance that I get!
Mark Haynes
It only goes one way-Pay it Forward
From: Bill L <pythias at pacifier.com>
To: Rick Bastedo <rbastedo at gmail.com>
Hello Rick,
the 1098 would be a kick in the BE. It wouldn't be a "boy racer"
like putting in a 1275, but it would have a ton of torque, just
the thing for urban use. The 5 speed and dog leg for the RWA and
Peter. .. find another 1098 or 1275 for the MK II. Nobody REALLY
likes to DRIVE a 948, they just put them in for originality.
my 2 cents.
Best regards,
Bill L.
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