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[Spridgets] NoSHiT meeting 10/01/11 Sea WA

Subject: [Spridgets] NoSHiT meeting 10/01/11 Sea WA
From: shop at justbrits.com (Shop at " Just Brits ")
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 22:54:11 -0500
References: <1327027116.1578033.1316547661973.JavaMail.root@cl01-host01.roch.ny.frontiernet.net> <67D1943D-1D88-40FD-B044-087C389678C5@mac.com>
<< I can ask, Frank IV is (I hope) still on the list. >>

Gee, the Head cat of a LARGE I. T. Dept. doesn't know how to
check [the List Member List] and answer his own question _:) ??!?!?

Sorry Larry but --- LMAO ! ! !


PS:  Will it STOP raining long enough to even buff a Spridget ?!?

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