This is one of those times where I just want a few more eyes, because I have
occasionally missed a very obvious or much better choice. But yes, I am hard
pressed to come up with a better option than a Miata!
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-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Masquelier <billmasq at>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 07:00:58
To: <andrewpayne at>; spridget list<spridgets at>
Subject: RE: [Spridgets] Thinking about buying another car
So you are looking for and have specified a Miata- what is your real question?
(and a good choice it WOULD be)
> To: spridgets at
> From: andrewpayne at
> Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 12:02:04 +0000
> Subject: [Spridgets] Thinking about buying another car
> I've spent the past few days thinking hard on a cross country trip that I've
> wanted to take for years. Next year I may be able to do the trip. The basic
> idea is to be on the road for about 80 days and spend a day or two in each of
> the 49 states. (Hawaii until you build a bridge, you're dead to me! ;) I will
> camp most nights, stay with friends some, and a few nights in hotels. I will
> likely do it in several regional trips so that I can keep my business afloat.
> As a car guy, the question of what car to take has always been important. I
> had thought an Elise until yesterday when I came to terms with the
> prohibitive cost. I can do the trip, I could buy the car, maybe both. I can't
> afford to take that car on this trip. Tires, depreciation, maintenance,
> parts... So back to planning.
> Years ago I thought a BGT was the perfect car. Fosters goodwill, fun, plus it
> would plan my trip: I drive till I breakdown, and I explore the town until
> parts arrive. I still think it would be a good choice. A Miata might be
> perfect.
> So the open question is what car do I start looking for? Below is my
> criteria.
> *My budget will be a max of $5000. This is for road ready condition.
> *Manual transmissions only!
> *The car must be fun to drive.
> *The car must be reliable.
> *Parts should be readily available, and affordable. This includes tires.
> *I need a securely lockable trunk at least as big as a Miata's.
> *I need to be able to reasonably expect 30,000 miles of mostly trouble free
> driving.
> *A/C and cruise control would be ideal.
> *25+ MPG
> Drew
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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