What color changes are ok? I am using Valvoline type3/4 which comes out of
the bottle clear. I assumed that the color change was connected to the
absorption of moisture. Many car manufacturers recommend changing brake
fluid every 2 years. Is this excessive?
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 12:34 PM, <WeslakeMonza1330 at aol.com> wrote:
> **
> Depends on the change in colour. Some silicone fluids have a rapid
> colour change due to an instability in the dye.
> In a message dated 05/09/2011 23:04:19 GMT Daylight Time,
> an5.sprite at gmail.com writes:
> I used to ignore changing brake fluid, but have become a convert after
> seeing how quickly brake fluid changes color in the system.