I have one in use on my junk truck. It keeps me from having to bump start or
jump it when I make a run to the dump or lumber yard every couple of weeks.
Only paid $16 for it at Lowe$ on markdown. I may get another to hook to the
tracktor and place the panel in the shed window.
From: Jeff Foster
<tr3.4.me at gmail.com>
To: Spridget list <spridgets at autox.team.net>
Saturday, September 3, 2011 8:10 AM
Subject: [Spridgets] solar battery charger
Seeking the wisdom - or at least experience - of the list. ;-)
Have any of
you tried using a solar battery charger just to maintain
the battery on rarely
driven cars or through the winter hibernation?
I'm thinking this might be a
better option than having a wall wart
transformer plugged in constantly and
the required extension cable
always under foot.
There's not a lot of sunlight
in my garage but certainly enough for my
solar calculator so I'm guessing it'd
be sufficient to trickle charge
a battery.
Any opinions/advice on this
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