Thanks to all for the responses to my question about fuel pump pressure for
a '73 Midget. Now I know that the spec pressure is 2.8 to 3.8 psi.
Recommendations ranged from using a specific pump to using a regulator.
I've never used a Facet pump, but most people who have who don't like them
say it's because they are noisy.
If possible, I would like to avoid using a regulator because of the plumbing
complications and the additional cost ($30 locally). I've never had to use
one before on either my Healey or the Midget.
Preferring to buy a pump locally, rather than ordering and waiting, I found
one at Autozone, which is where I bought my current one in 1988. It seems
that most universal pumps that work with our British cars, whatever the
brand or wherever they are manufactured, have a part number like E8016S. I
use one of these as a backup to the SU on my Healey. The pump I bought
today is Spectra Premium, P/N E8016S (the box also has the number SP8016U),
for $51. Made in China, but then so is most everything else nowadays.
Well, boys and girls, the new pump doesn't do crap for the front carb
overflow problem.. A major disappointment, so I'm back to square one.
According to the same pressure gauge that told me my old pump was putting
out 10 psi, it says the new pump is 6 - 7 psi, although the spec info for
the pump at Autozone says 2.5 - 4.5 psi.
I guess the next step is to try a regulator.
Steve Byers
Havelock, NC