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[Spridgets] MGB Dashboard

Subject: [Spridgets] MGB Dashboard
From: shop at justbrits.com (Shop at " Just Brits ")
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:12:25 -0500
References: <BLU147-W15A0EDA56DCB22BA0853D5D6200@phx.gbl> <013101cc5701$4e4e7450$eaeb5cf0$@hky.com> <4E42907D.50907@justbrits.com> <020c01cc579a$65918f00$30b4ad00$@hky.com>
<< Why? Spridget Talk is for Spridget stuff. MGB stuff
belongs elsewhere. >>

Yep & Yep, Bud.           

Of course that tells me you have never used the Link MJB
provides at the bottom of EVERY List Post --- Archives.
Or you would know that MGs ( Bs & As ), MG-Ts, MG-MMMs,
Triumphs (MJB's favorite <G>), Spitfires, and Healeys (Big)
PLUS thirty-seven (37) other Marque specific Lists exist
under the "roof" of AutoX.Team.Net.

Your post on the subject [which HAS 'posted' in The Archives]
has ZERO reference to anything AutoX.Team.Net.  Period.
Ergo, my reference.

When I steer folks to anything such as this subject I give
them  *mgs-request at autox.team.net* as what I consider
should be their 1st *stop*.  Thereafter comes Skye's
excellent 'board' [ MG Experience ], then Basil's British
Car Forum [ aka BCF ], and then the UK Board [ Link not
handy ].  Ooops, almost forgot the yahoo one <G> [ I even
tell those folks to go to Mark's List <G> "Archives" WAY
better than POS yahoo's <VBG>] ! !

BTW, I WAS only yankin yer chain !!  Geesh.

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