Is this the one that looks a little like a screwdriver with a notch cut out
of the blade?
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bert Shirey" <>
To: <spridgets at>
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 6:03 PM
Subject: [Spridgets] Brake Shoe Spring
> Hey, Guys and Gals,
> I lost some of that earlier discussion on the beehive spring
> installation,
> but in case this wasn`t mentioned there is a simple, inexpensive tool that
> makes that job easy. Put it over the spring, push and twist. Usually goes
> in
> first try. Got the tool years ago at maybe Pep Boys or JC Whitney.
> Also, this wasn`t discussed, but the long return springs can be a pain
> if
> you try to hook them up with the shoes in the cylinder notches. Those
> commercial spring pliers are not much good here.
> Easier way out is put the springs in the both shoes holes before
> fitting
> to the notches. Holding the top shoe, set the bottom shoe with springs in
> its
> notches, then pull the top shoe springs and all into its resting place.
> Depending on how strong your hands are, you may need to do one notch at a
> time. Cheers,
> Bert Shirey
> 60 Bugeye/ 66 Midget 1098
> _______________________________________________