Jim- You're thinking CRYONICS-NOT a science, and I should know. The little
town that I live in is known world-wide as the town with the frozen dead
guy-we have a festival every year called "Frozen Dead Guy Days" (creative,
And Yes, there really is a frozen dead guy-Bredo Moerstel (I don't know how to
put umlauts in).
So we could put Peter in his Mini and take it to 4K, but until he thawed, we
couldn't get him out- and then we'd have to POUR him out. Kind of like they
did a Seibkins after the Jaegermeister?
Mark Haynes
It only goes one way-Pay it Forward
Cryongenics??? Cool! So 100 Years from now we can thaw it out and have the
same useless axle we have today??
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