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[Spridgets] Gas Tank? mail.com>

Subject: [Spridgets] Gas Tank? mail.com>
From: peter at nosimport.com (Peter Caldwell)
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 11:07:58 -0500
References: <4E301B8A.7010003@wi.net> <20110727144453.69US3.50916.root@cdptpa-web20-z01> <CAGe=UP6jdtt_0=BPM0okCEKU1iVg5cawVVsM_-OeYbYUbMrb8w@mail.gmail.com>
I think a new tank would be cheaper.......

But I like your thinkin'
At 10:26 AM 7/27/2011, Heard Saxon wrote:
>Here is what I did:
>1.  Put some beer on ice and position the lawn chair.
>2.  Go get the tractor.
>3.  Jack up the rear end to get one wheel off the ground.
>4.  Fill the gas tank with water, some milkstone acid wash, and rocks.
>5.  Strap it to the tractor wheel.
>6.  Start the tractor.
>7.  Grab a beer or 3 and watch it go around for about 30 minutes.  Then
>drain it and let it dry.
>8.  Fill the holes around the neck with JB weld.
>9.  Drink some more beer while you wait for the JB weld to set.

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