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[Spridgets] 50th weather...

Subject: [Spridgets] 50th weather...
From: b-evans at earthlink.net (Robert Evans)
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:12:39 -0700
References: <1555927600.529724.1310662688719.JavaMail.root@cl01-host01.roch.ny.frontiernet.net> <CEFE9562-1C59-4E5D-AEB3-9374113BAD74@gmail.com> <201107141329340.SM01424@TOSHIBA-USER3.nosimport.com>
Please direct all 50th weather complaints to Mr. James R. Johnson (aka "The
Rainmaker" or "Omnipotent") at:

.               bmwwxman at gmail.com

Be advised, however, that he is a Government Man (Ret.) and you may be
placed on a list of "them" and subjected to Invasive Search Techniques
(i.e., full cavity search) by TSA and IRS.


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