I will be out of the area for several days with a camping trip and 3 day
class trip with my seniors. But it is near the end of the year and I wanted
to make a presentation of Frank for my kids with some really good photos of
him smiling and with his cars & family. I also wanted to post some of his
thoughtful words of wisdom for the kids to take forward. I'll be looking
through old posts from Frank later in the week when I return but in the
meantime if anyone has any suggestions of picts or words of wisdom from our
dear friend Frank please post here to this thread for all to see. I will put
it together in a week for my class so I will look for it here. I want to
send the kids off with words of Franks wisdom but also his humor. I know of
a few good images and I want to look through more of his words as I do that
a lot now. OSHIT I'm crying again : (
Chat later kids,