I recommend the steroid injections. I get them at the pain clinic whenever
the pain gets unbearable. The doctor injects them directly into the nerve.
It makes the pain worse for a day or two, but gives relief after that. I
can get 9 to 12 months of relief until I can't stand it anymore. There are
no adverse side effects other than it raises blood glucose in diabetics.
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Grunthaner
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 5:25 AM
To: Spridget list
Subject: [Spridgets] Not LBC Anyone out there with back issues I just had
Before I say yes to my doctors I would like some info on back repairs,
surgery, spinal injection steroids etc. I just had my MRI because I have
numbness in both my feet for the last 3 years and physical therapy and
acupuncture is not stopping the process. I meet with the doctor today to
discuss the results but just looking at the photos it appears I have a
squished nerve. I know the PT doctor wants to do an epidural of steroids, I
think it is a good start as surgery should be the last thing. I am no wimp
to lower back pain I have been on ice every morning for years I just don't
want this problem to cut off the use of my feet. I have had cronic back pain
as far back (no pun) as 17 which increased in the 10 years of ambulance /
EMT work so I am very familiar with my situation I'm just now moving forward
with treatment because it is at a concerned level.
Steroids anyone ; )
This list has never left me in the dark. You guys & gals have made life
easier with your wisdom.
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