I guess it gets complicated if you break your windshield ...
Ours is a 2 sticker system. One sticker goes on your rear plate and the other
goes on your registration. I can't imagine that the police would ever look
beyond the year/month on the sticker on the plate to see if you paid your
money. Registration is staggered by birth month, with a different colour each
year for the month.
Simplistically speaking ... it's all about taxes. The rest is just getting
you to go through a ritual so that the fee seems justified.
RDI always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of
lemon, and a shot of tequila.
From: tequila.brad@gmail.com
Texas used to do that, but the plates kept getting found on the wrong car.
They now have us place a sticker inside the windshield. It has many cuts in
it, so if you try to remove it, it falls apart.
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Billy Zoom <billyzoom@billyzoom.com> wrote:
We have two stickers one the rear plate. One gets renewed, the other has to
last the life of the car.
> Can you swap plates? Both plates here are the same except for the renewal
> sticker. So, at the annual re-reg, one could swap plates around.
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