Michael wrote:
When I started working on the door ding in my Midget A-pillar, I
that the rusted-out bottom had been covered with stick-on metal tape like
you might put on ducting, then bondoed over. It was completely sound and
plenty strong with no leak-through. I had no idea it was there.
This sounds like my car. The inner sills (structural!) were patched with
aluminum roll flashing bonded and covered by seam sealer. My body man
and I could not understand how the car didn't sag - door gaps were
perfect. And the car was like this for over 30 years!
As for the "topic": Let's see - basic car, no electronics, carburetor,
no "comfort and convenience options", nothing too complicated so as to be
prone to failure that couldn't be repaired by the somewhat knowledgeable
operator - sounds like a Bugeye Sprite to me!
Chris - AN5L35xxx
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