Interesting question.
There is a body of thought which holds that we will never see conventional
war (like WWII) again. In fact, there has been nothing like it in 70 years
since and there have been wars since 1945. My associates in several
military think-tanks are now convinced that the idea of a uniformed army
operating in traditional maneuvers with traditional weapons is a loosing
proposition. Todays wars, and likely those of the future, are fought
asymmetrically. There are some very respected strategists who believe that
we are already in the midst of a global WWIII without knowing it because we
are looking for a WWII type conflict rather than the global
insurgent/terrorist war that we now have.
If these people are correct, and I am beginning to believe they are, the
most serious manufacturing threat will be from those who can turn out the
most Kalashnikovs in the back room of a mud hut using a screwdriver, a
hammer and a pair of pliers. Heck... the Taliban have their children
reloading old Soviet 7.62 x 39 brass on their front steps using kitchen
tools right now!
Just saying that unless we figure out a way to stop this sort of thing, big
factories are nothing more than a suicide bomb target, tanks and Hummvees
are just IED targets, and you can't chase a lone terrorist sniper through
buildings in Kandahar with a tank, aircraft, or Hummvee.
Just my $.02 on the thought and probably worth as much.
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Kirk Hargreaves
> General Motors as well as Ford, Chrysler, etc were very important to us
> during WWII.
> As we know they converted their factories to build tanks, and other weapon
> systems for the war effort.
> With manufacturing capability of this nature going to China. . what if any
> effect might it have were we to encounter a WWIII?
> Would it - or would it not pose a serious difficulty for us due to the fact
> that the weapon systems of today are so different and advanced as compared
> to the way we fought before?
> Just a thought regarding . .
> Kirk
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