Billy Z. SAID:
<< I have a real MityVac, but I could never get it to bleed brakes. >>
So do I, Billy <G> !! We're 'showing' out age !! LOL
<< I the Speed Bleeder nipples are the best solution. >>
While not bad, they are NOT IMNSVHO the 'best'
solution !! And keep in mind I work on all kinds of LBCs
[and been known to turn a wrench on a Camino or 2<G>]
and have used EeziBleed on ALL with FANTASTIC
success !!!
Then David C. added:
<< I think the best units are those that keep feeding brake fluid
under light pressure into the master as it is bled out of the brake
lines. >>
1000% correct correct David !! Those of you that have
EeziBleed Kits [including myself] please add your $1.00
worth of comment(s) please <G> !!
At 6:55 THIS AM I replied on same subject to a gent
on another List what is below the **** line. Besides his
Spridget, he has a couple 'Merican pieces of Iron.
Please visit MY site at:
<< I still think it takes 2 guys and an 18 pack.. >>
NOT for users of EeziBleed, Jim !!!!
ONE [1] before just while you tell yourself how this is
gonna be one of the EASIEST jobs on ANY car you are
about to do.
[this is where you actually DO the job.]
One [1] to CELEBRATE just how perfectly well and
FAST to job went !!!!
Oh wait, "might" take a 3rd whilst you stare lovingly
at the car that you have just done such an EASY job
to and figure out what you "should" do next !!!! <VBG>
Further 'mediation' MIGHT be required if the "List of
Things To Do" is mentally reviewed [which of course
'might' require the other 15 brews you mentioned and
no longer have to SHARE depending on length of 'jobs'
remaining and time allocated to mediating EACH 'job'].
Took me longer to type this then it would to do a MGTD
[6 cyls for brakes] !!!!
PS: And yep, kit would do Frogeye, the '32 & the '41<G>.
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