I, too, have a 13" Astrali on my '79 Midget and I love it. It was a Xmas
present from my sister a couple of years ago. I had to fab up an adapter
for the hub to cancel the turn signals, but otherwise it's great. Lots
more room in the cockpit and I love that go-cart feeling.
I'm attaching a picture that the list will strip showing the wheel at
the top of Pikes Peak (notice the GPS shows 14.2K feet.)
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 05:36:24 -0400
From: Linda Grunthaner <>
Subject: [Spridgets] I finally got my 13" Astrila steering wheel on my
LBC after over 30 years
To: Spridget list <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
List,In 1976 my old boyfriend gave me his 13" Astrila steering wheel he
had on his Mini Cooper before he sold it. That steering wheel has
decorated my rooms over the last 30 years. I finally found an adapter
via a second time in the same year of purchasing a 13" steering wheel
with adapter. Second time's the charm.
Now for my opinion on a small steering wheel on an LBC.........GOT GO-CART?
[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of
MG2009 041.jpg]
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