Sometimes you pay for the name, sometimes for quality. I purchased my boxes
either used (Kennedy) or without ball bearing slides (Craftsman). The
really high quality ones will hold more weight. For my use in the garage I
don't need something that can tolerate being opened and closed 50 times a
My brother likes the Snap-on boxes over craftsman. The craftsman boxes have
the drawers break and fall down. This is from the abuse of being taken to
the track every weekend.
They all come with locks. If you are going to buy new I would wait for a
Craftsman sale and try to find a Sear coupon. They can become affordable at
that point.
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Peter Caldwell <>wrote:
> So, what's the deal... (I don't have a tool box, btw)
> Some are over $1000. Some are $89.95 I'm thinking I'd like something
> with about 6 thin drawers, and maybe 5 bigger drawers, and maybe 4 casters.
> Don't need locks.
> What justifies either the high priced units, or the low-end ones? I just
> need a place to put wrenches and sockets so I have an idea where to look
> next time I need them.
> Any input appreciated, abuse expected.
> Peter C.
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