Since the rear H1 on the BE was leaking at the cork gasket around the jet, I
decided to rework and install the HS2s from the 9CG MKII engine. I found that
my suspicions were correct that someone has done significant work on the head
(tapered the intake ports, enlarged them to 1"+, etc.). Anyway when all was
said and done and the engine was started, I couldn't get the idle down below
2K. I backed off the choke high idle screw (that got it below 3K) separated
the linkages, checked the balance, tried to set the mixture but it seemed too
lean no matter what. Now I did throw a wrinkle in, I put my pair of 3 1/2"
Les Leston ram tubes on - IT runs great!, but its so hard to get the tranny in
gear at that idle speed. I didn't have time to spray any carb cleaner at the
intake gasket on the head. Any help would be appreciated-and no, I didn't
change the intake gasket. There are pics at this URL:
Mark Haynes
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