From: "Kitterer Bob" <>
> Am going brain dead an could use some help. Have finished installing
> new rubber in the bugeye hydraulic system, believe that all the air is
> out of the lines but have no break pedal pressure. Anyone know of an
> easy way to check the master cylinder independently of the rest of the
> system? Or other suggestions?
I ran into this symptom. It turned out that a while ago I had loosened the
rear brake adjusters all the way
so the car was easy to roll around.
You need to tighten them up so the shoes are against the drums before you bleed
the brakes.
You can adjust for free rotation AFTER you are finished bleeding.
This was a real head scratcher for me to track down.
I found this by procces of elimination by first disconnecting the the rear
brake line from the brass cross
junction and blocking it off with a bolt. My brake pedal instantly became
firm, so I knew my master and the
front brakes were OK, and so it was something to do with the rear brakes.
After putting the rear on jack stands, pulling both drums, and some long
stares, it finally dawned on me.
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