The breadth and depth of knowledge in this group never fails to amaze me ...
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Daniels" <>
To: "GUY DAY" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] "Original Sprite & Midget" by Terry Horler
> NO, they are for the Aussie market where the car hangs upside down and
> needs to drain out of the top.
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "GUY DAY" <>
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 4:03 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [Spridgets] "Original Sprite & Midget" by Terry Horler
>> So they are not the air filter vent holes that allow the lighter hot air
>> to
>> escape whilst the heavier cooler air is allowed into the carbs? :-)
>> Guy R Day
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 8:37 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Spridgets] "Original Sprite & Midget" by Terry Horler
>>> You're right, of course, unless the engine is generating water and it
>>> needs
>>> to escape as vapour (English spelling I believe.) ...bill in oregon
>>> ==========================================
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Frank
>>> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 11:35 AM
>>> To: Dean Hedin
>>> Cc: Spridgets
>>> Subject: Re: [Spridgets] "Original Sprite & Midget" by Terry Horler
>>> Dean Hedin wrote:
>>>> I am also curious as to any other errors that others may have
>>>> discovered in this book.
>>> There are a few errors.
>>> One of the pictures has the air filters on upside down, the drain holes
>>> are on top.
>>> I saw a Midget at a show with these holes up and pointed it out to the
>>> owner when he blasted me with
>>> quotes from Horler's book.
>>> Of course I could be wrong in thinking the DRAIN holes belong on the
>>> bottom of the filter canisters.
>>> All the filters I have took off had the drain holes on the bottom.
>>> There are a few other minor mistakes in the book that pop up from time
>>> to time.
>>> --
>>> Frank Clarici
>>> Toms River, NJ
>>> My own Fleet of Sprites
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