<<I didn't speak to Margot but she took a photo of me on the
bike !>>
Alan, I didn't see that the first time around. The
following applies to (1st - Sprites; 2nd - Midgets):
You missed meeting one of the FINEST and most ENJOYABLE "Car
Ladies" EVER !!! I have met & chatted with her (and
Geoffrey) many, many times, including sitting with them by
ourselves over cocktails !!!! (ALL the Healey Family
ENJOYED 'cock-tailing'<VBG>!!!). They could be serious
and/or VERY humorous !!!
At one Conclave, Geoff was the Official Starter for a TSD
'fun' event. Margot felt Geoff wasn't doing the job
"properly" so should snatched the flag from Geoff and told
him to "bugger off to the kurb and STAY there!!" Had the
whole bunch of us in stitches !!!! Geoff had 'started'
maybe 6 cars and Margot stayed and finished 'starting' the
remaining 100 or so cars !!!! Amazing<G>!!
Bottom line?? If you EVER get the chance, DO stop and chat !!!
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