Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but, having read the articles you
refer to; I have to say that I find fault with both of them.
Specifically, the GM guy (writing for GM, no less) has questionable
credibility as well as a very strong possibility of conflict of interest,
since GM was reported to be at the forefront of "throwing older/flat-tappet
engines under the bus". It has been reported, elsewhere, that the auto
manufacturers were warned, specifically, that the reduced levels of ZDDP
would significantly shorten the service life of flat-tappet engines. They
chose to ignore that fact, due to the fact that they no longer had any
flat-tappet engines covered under warranty.
The Pennsylvania crude oil "myth" he speaks of has been confirmed by many
engineers, over the years, as being a truth, not a myth. It has never been
disproven, that I've been made aware of.
The other article is just plain out of date, among other things. It was,
obviously, written before ZDDP was completely removed from SM spec oil (in
'04 according to Iskenderian, who has much at stake, involving lube oil).
His percentage figures, for ZDDP in "racing oil" are very questionable. On
one hand, he seems to imply that ZDDP may be un-needed, then on the other,
he states that he will ad (way too much) ZDDP to an oil for break in, which
already has a ZDDP percentage that hasn't been available for some time now.
Gotta cut this one short, to go pick up a car.
Bud Osbourne
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean Hedin" <>
To: "Larry Daniels" <>; "Nigel Hales"
<>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 12:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Oils ain't Oils - well some are
> ----- Original Message -----
> I think the whole ZDDP thing is blown way out of proportion. No doubt
> fueled by those who have some snake oil to sell.
> Read these two....
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