When you are putting a new rubber boot on your clutch fork, do it on the bench
before you mount the fork. Silly me, I mounted the fork, then spent at least
fifteen very frustrating minutes under the car trying to stretch the boot over
the outside end of the fork. I used vaseline, tried sticking a screwdriver up
in there to guide the rubber over the end, and anything else I could think of
- all to no avail.
I then removed the fork, clamped it in my vice, and the boot slipped over in
about 2 seconds. All the vaseline may have helped, but it is WAY easier to do
it on the bench and then fit the boot to the hole afterward.
Yeah, I know, all of you probably knew this years ago. Just thought I'd pass
it along in case there was another dummy like me out there. I may be slow,
but I eventually get there.
David Booker
'71 Midget slowly progressing toward being back together
Long Island
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