Frank & List,
I'm a bit rusty on carburetor techniques and knowledge but as I recall when
I video taped Lady Bug Frank showed me how to tell if my carbs needed to be
adjusted via the jet adjustment nut. The video I made of how he adjusts the
jets is at school so I'm roughing it now. I thought he said both pistons
should move up and down at the same time when I move the throttle or maybe
it was the choke? Well ether way nether piston moves when I manually move
ether the throttle or the choke levers. Am I getting all this wrong? What
should I do next? I am thinking it might be worth spending $40.00 on one of
those SU videos they are 2 hrs long and should go over everything I should
Any thoughts? I am nursing an injured back this weekend so I'm not even
going to drive her today but feeling well enough to tinker and feel like I
got something done all weekend.
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