In 'sconsin, get a "collector" plate. 1 fee forever. You only need 1
other regular car. Restricted use in January only. (and who'd want to
drive around in January)... unless you collect antique snowplows)
That a 1989 Honda Prelude qualifies is somewhat disturbing..... only
20 years, and we started this biz in 82! Yikes!
Peter C
At 07:40 PM 5/13/2009, 72 Spridget wrote:
>>As I tell ANY "older" car owner, do NOT get Antq. Plates because
>>of above<G>!!! Out $78 for plates just got CHEAP, huh<G>!!!
>>NOT a case for 'We Tight' !!!!!
>And yet Barney Gaylord drives his MGA with IL antique plates more
>miles every year than any two other people and the only problem he
>has ever had was with an officer who pulled him over in 2002 and
>could not understand how Barney had plates that claimed they did not
>expire until 2004. By the time Barney was done explaining antique
>plates to the guy, he was probably happy to escape.
>There is NOT a mileage limit in Illinois. I have checked the
>Secretary of State and the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code book (yes,
>the big one intended for use by insomniacs).
>David Lieb _______________________________________________
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