<<Just watch the corpse. They have a habit of disappearing when you aren't
BUT Larry & as you WELL know, NEVER WHEN you want them to do so!!!
PS: "This" post IS the perfect one to comment on something<G>!!
AAR, I EDIT my "Reply All" to ELIMANATE (in this case, Larry, Ron,
David L., AND PPP) personal replies PLUS the List reply. I Edit so
that the "Reply All" ONLY goes to The List but in this case I won't.
Is there some reason folks "enjoy" getting dups of the SAME Reply??
If there IS some "desire" to continue to rec've TWO please just say so. OR
(& I KNOW this IS a reach<G>) could everybody just 'develop' the habit of
editing their "Reply All"s ??? I DOES take at LEAST ONE
minute to do?!?!?
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