It wasn't that long ago that some Chryslers had a zipper on the transmission
they were being replaced so often.
As a friend of mine in charge of a fleet of Chryslers at his company remarked:
"Aren't you supposed to change transmissions every 20,000 miles?"
Unless someone could offer some actual hard information, everything negative
about Fiat that has mentioned here has been anecdotal.
Like many brands from years past that suffered in the US market, Fiat never had
a solid dealer network or at the very least a support network of mechanics with
experience, both inside and outside of the dealers.
As much as I like cars, I think our economy has been overly dependent on them.
And our current economy is painfully making that point evident. People
generally purchase new cars out of desire, rather than need and right now,
there are few buyers because people just don't NEED new cars.
What I find ironic is that the people that supported the American car
manufacturers with their purchases of Hummers, MiniVans, Chevy Suburbans,
Cadillac and Lincoln trucks, and so-on, (without a genuine need for those large
vehicles) are now nowhere to be found.
jay fishbein
wallingford, ct
--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Andrew Payne <> wrote:
From: Andrew Payne <>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Le Macchine d'Italia (No LBC)
To: "'mike rambour'" <>, "'Jim Johnson'" <>
Cc: "'Spridgets'" <>
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 3:15 PM
I was actually thinking that with Fiat involved, I might have a reason to
buy a Chrysler;)
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