I have refrained from getting into this discussion because Pizza in my
house is like religion or politics. Good Pizza is something that most
people have never had in their life and if you have then congratulations
is in order, for the rest of you...my condolences on never having had
Pizza. The usually round, sometimes square cardboard with Ketchup and
other garbage on top that 99% of the places in the U.S. make is NOT
Pizza. I have had good pizza on the other side of the U.S. a few times,
but its hard to find.
On this coast (S. Calif.), its impossible to find unless its in MY back
yard and the fire is going hot is in my wood burning Pizza oven, yeah, I
am that committed to great pizza that I have my own wood burning Pizza
Maybe we should have a SOS at my house someday soon :) I have a
Spridget motor that needs assembling and fired up.
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