> I have been using those containers of fluid that come with
> a pump and a longish plastic hose attached. The end of the
> hose has a springy plastic thingy that sticks in the hole in
> the tranny so I can than pump with 2 hands.
Likewise. I picked up one of those pumps that screw into a bottle of
oil (and are intended for filling the transoms on outboard motors)
from my local Murrays Auto Parts and pumped it in. Drain plug is
readily accessible, too. I used Redline MTF, I believe. A little
tedious, but it works. A good idea to top the trans off in the Spring
before driving it, too...
BTW, since the driveshaft yoke completes the tailshaft seal, filling
it before you install it is a bad idea unless you are one of the ones
who likes to feed the entire drivetrain (motor trans and driveshaft)
into the mouth of your Spridget in one operation. Remember how far you
had to tip the trans to get it out?
David Lieb
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