OK, OK, I'll chime in on this discussion. I had Advance do my dizzy last
spring. It works flawlessly. BUT, I still have points. While at LotO, I was
B.S.ing with Peter the Part Pimp, and he tells me of his "electronic
ignition" parts. Basically, it is points, and the condenser is some
electronic geegaw (southern scientific term) that "looks" like a condenser,
but isn't. He told me he had been running the same set of points on his Mini
(a REAL one, not a BMW one) and had no noticeable degradation of the points,
in something like a year.
I have yet to install the set on our car yet, but since Peter isn't chiming
in, I hope he won't mind me calling him out.
Please, Peter, I know you won't willingly push your own product, but please,
let us know about your items, and how the "new" condenser works.
On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Bill L <pythias@pacifier.com> wrote:
> Hello Linda,
> The disadvantage of electronic is initial cost. points and
> condesor--$10 max? .. electronic $100 and up.
> The idea isn't so much to have a stock appearance, tho that is
> important to some, but to keep the costs down. Also, in the event
> of failure to be able to quickly go back to points.
> As a side note, the pertronix makes no internal changes so its a
> quick swap back, but the CRANE (of which I have never heard a
> failure) you have to cut the "points locating post" off.
> --
> Best regards,
> Bill L. mailto:pythias@pacifier.com
> '66 Sprite MKIII HAN8L49403 "the red thing"
> * "I always pray to St. Ignatius," said Tom loyally.
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