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Re: [Spridgets] Calling all 58's.......Bugeyes.

To: Mark Haynes <haynes386@netzero.com>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Calling all 58's.......Bugeyes.
From: Linda Grunthaner <grunthaner@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 06:29:23 -0500
So your 58 vin AN5/8016 is not 9 stud windshield and the features are not
like Granny's 58 AN5/4165 yes lets try and fill in the blanks because this
Bugeye Frank & I picked up is AN5/7267 and has none (I have to look more and
take pictures to confirm) ether. Also I emailed the teacher of the Team
Sprite all girls Auto class to get that 58's vin number because if you look
at their car it too does not have the double triangle frame and who knows if
they got the car in pieces from others or complete so the removable parts
can't be confirmed. http://www.teamsprite.com/car.html

I wonder when Healey added all the changes to the body it would be cool to
get as many vin numbers and note the changes ....... any more 58's out

I called the DMV in Maryland & New Jersey and they both said the PO should
come to the MD DMV with book documentation to make the changes to the title.
I also emailed the PO and he said he would get the changes made (hope so).

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 3:16 PM, Mark Haynes <haynes386@netzero.com> wrote:

> Linda- I (personal opinion, though I may be wrong here) believe that the
> structural updates accompanied the loss of the nine stud windshield frame.
> The sole reason for this hypothesis being that my '58 (5L8016) doesn't have
> the 9 stud, nor does it have any of the early structural deficiencies. It
> also matches the '61 that Collin has documented on his site. Anyone else
> with a SN between 5877 and EOY '58? that can verify this for Linda?
> Mark Haynes
> HAN6L12779
> HAN5L8016
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