I took my Sprite to its first car cruise last Friday night since
getting it back on the road (last on the road in 1974). The "Cruise n
Car Show" is sponsored by the Downtown Business Association to try
and draw folks to the downtown area. The cruise was a short trip
around town. The best part was the staging area where folks walked
around looking at the cars. You guys were right. Little boys like
Sprites. One excited little boy said he really liked the Sprite. His
other favorite car was a Cobra. OK, if he says so.
Midland MI is only about 60 miles North of Flint so you can imagine
that most of the cars were "Detroit Iron" of one sort or another. The
Sprite was a bit of a novelty. And, the older guys comments were that
they knew someone who owned one of those once. Just like you guys
said. I guess I should never doubt ANYTHING you guys say. LOL The
Saturday car show was a wash out thanks to the hurricane.
Tim Collins
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